The Ministry of Youth, aware of the importance of the contribution of young people to the national development effort, of the role of civil society and non-governmental organizations, organized a training session on June 30 and July 01, 2020 at the Department of Community Life and Capacity Building for Young People located in Abidjan-Plateau (Sobroko).
Thirty-three young people were benefited from the training which focused on Monitoring, Evaluation and Results-oriented Reporting. However, taking into account the global health crisis and for reasons of convenience, the participants were divided into two groups of sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) participants.
On Wednesday 01 July 2020, seventeen youth leaders, namely, the international organization PLANETE PAIX, represented by the Secretary of PLANETE PAIX for communication, Miss Annick Mireille IBO, JFA, MUDAV, GIEPHCI, AIESEC , ACCEPCI, ASMCI (a deaf man and his interpreter), Youth Peace and Security Network (UNDESA), ESD Center, ROJALNU, UNAFEHCI, RIJLI, AJED, AEEMCI, RNJ, and JEC have been equipped in Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Results-oriented reporting and have acquired skills and competences for the conduct of their programs and / or projects.
Indeed, this training falls within the framework of the National Youth Policy (PNJ) 2016-2020 with a view to accelerating the empowerment of young people who account for more than seventy-seven percent (77%) of the Ivorian population.
To this end, the training was structured around three modules, namely:
• From Strategic Planning to Operational Planning;
• Results-based Project Monitoring and Evaluation Methodology;
• Template for presentation of activity reports, monitoring and evaluation.
The trainer reminded participants that a project is a set of activities with a start and an end. As such, it is therefore important to subdivide the project into activities, and activities into tasks in order to carry out monitoring and evaluation. Operational planning gives us the means to better organize the activities to achieve structural planning, which is the division of the project into a sub-project or a component. A strategic or situational diagnosis makes it possible to identify the needs of the organization or association in order to provide solutions. A strategic plan allows the organization to plan for the future. It is therefore a management, anticipation, coordination and resource mobilization tool. As the strategic planning of the project is effective, the organization monitors and evaluates the project.
Monitoring is a system for collecting information to be processed and disseminated for the smooth running of the project. Information processing concerns the relationship between planned activity, activity carried out and activity not carried out. Dissemination consists of making a follow-up report. In fact, activity monitoring is done using a monitoring field that allows the cost of expenses to be assessed, the time taken to carry out the activity and the quality of the activity, which reveals whether the notebook of loads and performance has been respected. Therefore, a result chain is to be observed, that is to say project / program management. This management takes into account the monitoring of inputs, activities, outputs, effects and impacts, while taking into account the risks of the project. A specific, measurable, achievable, Reachable, temporal indicator (SMART) is essential for good monitoring of the project.
Evaluation is an appreciation, a value judgment that obeys criteria. In other words, the relevance of the project, has the objective been achieved? The effect of the project on the target, the impact of the project which is measured over 5 to 10 years, the viability or sustainability of the project to name a few. This whole process is verified in a framework which consists of making a summary of the report.
The training was enriching through the involvement of the participants. The discussions showed the interest that the participants had in the subject of this training. It lasted 5 hours and was sanctioned by a certificate of participation issued by Mr. Koffi, Director of Associative Life. The 33 youth leaders said they were well equipped to perpetuate this initiative of the Ivorian government and pledged to build the capacities of their members and those of Ivorian youth.
Done in Abidjan on July 02, 2020
Miss Annick Mireille IBO
(Communication officer)
Canevas de rapport d’évaluation
Canevas de rapport suivi de projet 2
Présentation_module_Suivi Evaluation_MPJEJ_CT_SYLLA