

The Call to Panelist


The Call to Panelist is necessary for more effective action and to ensure that the 2020 Young Champions’ Summit for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development is of excellent quality in order to meet the expectations of the participants and the States. and to deal with current issues with much more objectivity and effectiveness.

The call for applications to the Young Champions’ Summit is : < STRICTLY open to:

– People who have already proven themselves in the field of peace, security and sustainable development
– Civil Society Organizations
– Foundations
– International Development Agencies
– Government agencies



Peace, Security and Sustainable Development


The 2020 Young Champions’ Summit for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development  will scrutinize election issues, democratic culture, citizen engagement, the culture of peace and sustainable development, violent extremism and terrorism. empowerment of women, land degradation, deforestation, poverty alleviation, climate change and irregular migration.

The aim is to strengthen social cohesion, contribute to peace, security and sustainable development in our societies especially in countries that participated in the summit and promote the values ​​of peace, solidarity, democracy and rights in accordance with existing international and national standards.

Send your proposal


Before submitting your presentation proposal, please review the concept notes and session descriptions to determine the session for which your contribution is most appropriate.

You can submit multiple proposals for multiple sessions.

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