A delegation of the NGO PLANETE PAIX is participating since August 08, 2018 in a capacity building workshop of 03 days for peace, security and sustainable development in Cรดte d’Ivoire. The workshop, whose theme is “Youth contribution to peace and security in the context of sustainable development in Cรดte d’Ivoire”, is initiated by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Division for Inclusive Social Development; in partnership with the Ministry of Youth Promotion, Youth Employment, the UNDP Office in Cรดte d’Ivoire, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Institute for peace and disarmament in Africa. More specifically, it is about building the capacity of trainers of leaders and members of youth civil society organizations.



PLANETE PAIX was one of the guests of the radio show called “Democracy in Progress” on August 08, 2018, by Radio de la Paix on August 8 at the American Space. This program was initiated by US Embassy in Cรดte dโ€™ Ivoire. Participants addressed the issue of “The Unified Party’s Implications in a Democracy” with two prominent journalists – Jean Claude Coulibaly from โ€œLe Patrioteโ€ and Alafe Wakili, โ€œL’Intelligent dโ€™Abidjanโ€ and Ben Diakite of Radio de la Paix as moderator. It emerged from the debate that the existence of a unified party obeys democratic principles and is not a brake on democracy, as the people always remain sovereign and free to choose their leaders and to express their will.



On this day of my country anniversary, our homeland, each of us is invited to meditate on some strong words of the symbols of our homeland in relation to the socio-political situation. Our country is 58 years old. The age is said  to be the age of wisdom. But, are we wise? Do we aspire to? Will we ever become it one day? Where are the values โ€‹โ€‹dear to our country? Are we united? Are we disciplined? And can we work in such a context? Our forefathers were right. Indeed, it is in unity, discipline and by working that we will achieve progress for all and happiness for everyone. You guessed it, “Union”, “Discipline”, “Work” are the 3 strong words of our national motto. These words are meaningful. But, the order in which they are arranged must appeal to us even more. For our forefathers, it is together,  confident in each other; hand in hand, in the respect of our differences, in the respect of everyone, of the authority, the laws that our common action, carried by the force of the All has a meaning and reaches efficiency. This makes sense. Indeed, at the beginning is the society. Then society will give birth to a right to frame all social phenomena, discipline behaviors. After that, every action becomes meaningful, because  turning towards the right which is itself the emanation of the All.

The Union is the other name for reconciliation

The Union is the other name of the discipline

The Union is the other name of the work

The Union is the other name of social cohesion

The Union is the other name of love

The Union is still the other name of the true peace made again.

But reconciliation is a entire project in Cรดte d’Ivoire. It is not only the work of an individual as sometimes we try to make believe. Because it’s always two or more that we reconcile. Opposition and ruling party must make it. But, do they really want it? Are they able to? It is not when the country is potentially cut in two, it is not when the political class is divided on the essential, the very existence of the nation, the true reconciliation of the sons and daughters of our Fatherland, the well-being of our people that we can manage to gather the people, to discipline them. Without true reconciliation, without effective social cohesion, without this unity of the Whole, discipline is a fleeting illusion. For, where there is division, there is no discipline, each party following the slogans of its leader instead of those of the Chief.

I have seen Ivorians ban the national television because their leader is not in power. I have heard activists and even supporters of the ruling party and the opposition say that those in power have brought nothing to the country and vice versa. Dear Ivorians, do not sing the “homeland of true brotherhood while remaining divided. Reconciliation is a tangible thing, not an abstract reality. It is the momentum that drives us to go to the other in the truth in order to iron out our differences, to agree with him again, to live again in harmony with him. It germinates in our hearts, inspired by our spirits, it gives us the feeling of pride, happiness, security vis-ร -vis the other, but especially peace. That is why in this 58th year of our nation, I appeal to all our political, religious, customary authorities to work in the truth for the organization of a national forum for the sincere reconciliation of the sons and daughters of the Cote dโ€™Ivoire. truely, what is happening in Cรดte d’Ivoire is not a strictly political problem. In this case, reconciliation would be a reality today. But, the problem is deep. The problem of Cรดte d’Ivoire is human problem that must be treated with caution. I want as proof what happens in divided political parties. When divided people agree to speak freely, without constraint or condition, the Ivorian reconciliation will be a tangible reality and perceived even beyond our borders. But it is up to us – whether we are activists or sympathizers of the ruling partyor the opposition, organized civil society or not – to encourage our divided brothers and sisters to make reconciliation a priesthood. The first of us all, the President of the Republic of Cรดte d’Ivoire has set the tone. He made the decision to amnesty 800 people including political prisoners since Monday, August 06, 2018. This act is to be welcomed. Yes that is not enough. But, it is an act all the same determining. Proud Ivorians, the country calls us. The time has come to forge in union, in new faith and in all neutrality, the fatherland of true brotherhood!




Chancesoro: Mr. Achille COMOE, you are the President of the NGO PLANETE PAIX, tell us what motivated the creation of your NGO?

Achille COMOE: First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my opinion on current issues of universal interest and of which the human being is the epicenter. Then, to answer you on the question to know what motivated the creation of our Organization, let’s say “PLANETA PAIX”, I will say simply, it is our firm and precise will to participate in an effective way to the advent of peace in our country but
, also everywhere in the world. The founding father of our young state died and with him peace that he yet established as the second religion in Cรดte d’Ivoire. Formerly peace that we cherished so much was suddenly, let’s say, brutally interrupted with the advent of a multiparty system. Multiparty system meant politics of the belly, spiritual poverty and selfishness. Ivorian politics has seen in the multiparty system and continues to see the expression of a sharing of cake where the cruelest or the smartest of them all, with a one-eyed or blinded people, who is only consulted as an object of politically lust from those conquistadors of power who fear neither God nor man; and ready to use any means to get into power. What is true for my country Cรดte d’Ivoire, is also true for most African countries. In such a context, we had to include our action among those promoting peace, yes peace, this divine perfume, this breath of life without which any form of life would disappear. This is what motivated the birth of PLANETE PAIX.

Chancesoro: From peacekeeping to environment protection, which link can be established?

Achille COMOE: Peace is and remains above all a transversal notion. Imagine an individual who suffers from complexes, especially from an inferiority complex; that one is not at peace with himself and with society. He may be led, if society does not help him, to shorten his life. He is at war with himself that could lead to his suicide. He does not have peace, he is not at peace. But, he is potentially at war with society. He could commit a crime. This is the reason why PLANETE PAIX places, the human person, taken as an individual, at the heart of his action too. In addition, when elements of Mother Nature are unleashed naturally or artificially, that is to say by Human action resulting in mass movements, damage to food and non-food, this can be a source of conflict. The environment is our first ally, our first friend, he is alive. When you attack him, he attacks you. When you declare war on him, he answers you with the weapons he has. And when you protect it, it protects you and even better, it ensures you a generous living environment by giving you everything you need for your survival. Peace and environment are intimately linked. This is why, environmental protection is included in point 11 of the commitment charter to the values, objectives and vision of our organization.

Chancesoro: Why did your organization and you freely participate in the project “My Country, My Beach” organized by the US Embassy in Cรดte d’Ivoire?

Achille COMOE: Our participation is self-evident. The protection of the environment is part of our mission. It is consubstantial with our vision. It forms a whole with our objectives. And it is inseparable from our values. Our participation in the project “My Country, My Beach” organized by US Embassy in Cรดte d’Ivoire is an act of good citizenship, a priesthood and that should involves each and everyone. In our area, It is an old chestnut which runs: “one shall take care of the house he lives in”. And if we consider the environment as our natural habitat, the question does not even arise, we shall protect it, we must cherish it, love it and show it our gratitude. In any case, it is with Love and with a great pleasure that we did participate.

Chancesoro: Today, with the accelerated degradation of the coasts and beaches of Cรดte d’Ivoire, what are the opportunities (opportunities and assets) that the country has to conserve and protect its coastline?

Achille COMOE: For me, the question is not luck. What are the concrete actions to be taken in this direction? That should be the right question in my opinion. Well, it takes human reflection, brain power but a concerted action. The existing legal framework needs to be strengthened. It is also a question of inviting all the experts in the field with funding in support, to conduct extensive studies on the subject, in order to achieve concrete results. Cรดte d’Ivoire, could finally be inspired by the model of Holland. She is very advanced in this area.
In conclusion, I would like, on my own behalf and on behalf of the NGO PLANETE PAIX, once again to express my thanks and to encourage you in your initiative to encourage each other to become aware of the need to protect our environment. .