The whole world is suffering under coronavirus disease. Is it caused by humans ? I don’t know, God only knows. Negligence on the part of WHO and States ? I think and I believe so.
The facts are there before us, obvious, incontestable, indisputable and stubborn.
The 2019-2020 coronavirus disease pandemic is a pandemic of an emerging infectious disease, called COVID-19, caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which begins in December 2019 in Wuhan, central China, and then spreads in worldwide.
In fact, on January 13, 2020, the first case of COVID -19 was declared in Thailand outside of China. He is a person from Wuhan, a city in central China, centre of the epidemic.
First, WHO did not declare a public health emergency of international concern, but alerted the People’s Republic of China and other members of WHO and called for action, and then declared a state of health emergency on January 30.
Governments, including that of China, do not pay too much attention. Several airports are implementing screening on the arrival of planes from China.
On March 11, 2020, according to WHO, the epidemic of COVID-19 becomes a pandemic and requests essential protective measures against the new coronavirus and announces the strengthening of preventive hygiene (elimination of physical contact, kisses and handshakes , end of crowds and large events as well as unnecessary trips, promotion of hand washing, implementation of quarantine, etc.).
On the facts, WHO waited 17 days after the first reported case in Thailand ; where a quick response or decision would have stopped the disease.
Having said that, I ask the people of the world to follow all the useful measures that the situation requires.
Planète Paix is fully associated with the fight against the spread of the virus, by being united with all the victims.
Planète Paix consequently suspends its field activities, but maintains virtual activities by favoring teleworking for all the Champions, who are required to comply with the decisions and instructions of their places of residence.
The scale of this crisis is major and its outcome is uncertain. Yesterday Tuesday March 17, 2020 at 5 pm I participated in an emergency meeting initiated by Madam the Secretary of State for Human Rights.
The Minister made public measures taken by the National Security Council to curb the spread of coronavirus disease.
Planète Paix intends to play its part and reassures the authorities and the Ivorian population of its unwavering support.
However, I would like to draw the attention of the Ivorian authorities and the other countries not to take light measures against this pandemic.
They must take courageous, proportionate measures, without favoritism or complacency in the face of such a situation, to prevent the risk of the disease spreading.
Prevention is better than cure because very often when you heal, you heal badly.
Taxpayers’ money must be put to good use and be used wisely.
According to figures from the interactive map of the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at John Hopkins University in the United States, as of March 17, 2020, the total number of people infected on the African continent is at least 374 listed in 31 countries. 20 of the 29 member states of Planète Paix are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic if the Italian and Canadian representations are counted, more than 68.96%.
Everyone is called to show good citizenship and responsibility.
The general interest must prevail over the individual interest and no authority in the Nation and in the world must be placed above the law.
I would like to congratulate the health personnel, the activists, all those who work directly or indirectly to stem the pandemic and protect the lives of our populations.
Planète Paix is an organization of true solidarity and brotherhood. These values of ours force us in such a situation to act in strict compliance with the law and to the extent of our possibilities to reverse the pandemic in these difficult times that are going through all of humanity.
Dear Champions, I therefore invite you to continue the work you have started and to complete it to the delight of every citizen on the planet.
Done in Abidjan, on 03/19/2020
The Central President of Planete Paix
H. Em. Achille COMOE