CΓ΄te d’Ivoire celebrated, at the initiative of the High Authority for Good Governance (HABG) on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, the international day against corruption on the theme. “Restore with integrity” in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. Topics such as “Ethics and professional conduct as means of fighting corruption in public administration for development” and “The importance of the judicial system in the consolidation of the fight against corruption in CΓ΄te d’Ivoire βwere addressed during this ceremony respectively by Mr. TRAORE Bakari, Chief of Staff of the President of the HABG and Mr. DELBE Z. Constant, Technical Advisor of the Ministry of Justice. This ceremony was under the patronage of Mr. Hamed Bakayoko, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense. For the head of the Ivorian Government, we cannot succeed in effectively combating the scourge of corruption without values. The strength of societies is the values ββthey carry, because a society in which values ββno longer have their place is exposed to all kinds of behavior likely to endanger it. According to him, a better and united CΓ΄te d’Ivoire can only be achieved if the actions initiated for a profound transformation are supported by values ββof union, discipline, work, solidarity, justice but also and above all good governance. . This is why, in the light of the major challenges for economic and social development which are ours for the coming decades, the Government intends to draw inspiration from best practices throughout the world to strengthen the fight against corruption in our country. . In this regard, he reaffirmed the government’s total availability to firmly support the High Authority for Good Governance in the assessment of the national integrity system with a view to updating other national anti-corruption strategies. This day was the occasion of a call to the collective conscience.
This day was celebrated in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and the presence of civil society organizations, in particular PLANETE PAIX represented by S. Em. Achille COMOE and the Regional Landry KOUA respectively Central President and Volunteer Program Analyst of the said Organization. The objective sought by the organizers is to send a strong message to national and international public opinion concerning the commitment of CΓ΄te d’Ivoire in the prevention and fight against corruption and similar offenses.