We, Young Champions, gathered in Abidjan (CΓ΄te d’Ivoire) from November 15 to 17, 2018, as part of our annual Summit, at the American Space with the participation of National and International Institutions with the support of the State of CΓ΄te d’Ivoire and the United States Embassy in CΓ΄te d’Ivoire, renew our commitment to Peace, Security and Sustainable Development for all present and fthe forthcoming human beings.

This unique event saw the presence and contribution of one hundred and thirty-two (132) participants, from twelve (12) countries and three (3) continents. The Young Champions Summit has been an important moment in building and strengthening stakeholder coalitions on topical issues such as Corruption, Climate Change, Deforestation, Poverty Alleviation, Women’s Empowerment, violence Extremism and terrorism and it is a great satisfaction to have demonstrated the collective capacity of non-state actors, in their diversity, to exchange, forge joint responses and express themselves together. This Summit represented a moment of intense work, with four-hour internships in seven (07) institutions, five (05) expert panels and two (02) rendition panels, and resulted in a joint and agreed statement. The results of these three (03) meeting days are gathered in this document and available on the internet ( :

– The Youth Champions Summit Declaration focused on the importance of a participatory, inclusive and concerted approach to the fighting against corruption, climate change, deforestation, poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment, violent extremism and terrorism and on the inseparable link with the stakes of development,

– the strong commitments of the participants

– the precise proposals, nourished by the experience of actions in the field, on the main themes mentioned above. Through the dissemination of these elements we hope that other partners join the platform and adhere to the Declaration of the Young Champions Summit.

We commit ourselves to strengthen our platform to mobilize the actors, promote the sharing of information, pool experiences and promote peace, security and sustainable development.

In addition, we confirm that the follow-up of the Young Champions Summit is essential and urge the organizers to facilitate the following steps, including the promotion of the 2018 Abidjan Declaration, to publish and disseminate widely the proceedings of the International Summit, and to ensure the continuation of the discussions as well as the examination of the concrete measures taken during the exchanges for the promotion of Peace, Security and Sustainable Development.

Finally, we call on African states to put in place :

1- The social, cultural, economic and environmental impact fund that will be dedicated to Civil Society Organizations that truly impact the continent through concrete actions in their countries or across the continent. This fund will be financed by the African States and handed over to the African Union for this purpose.

2- A special fund for women, girls and children dedicated to women’s organizations, women, girls with few resources. This fund will be financed by African states as well and handed over to the African Union for this purpose.

 We express the wish, with all the participants, to make the momentum alive, to strengthen the commitments, and to transform the Summit proposals into progress at the next Summit in Benin. With all the Young Champions, we remain very committed to the success of the November 2019 Summit and work to make it a success, but above all, after this meeting time, all those who have the capacity to act, should reinforce their interventions.

In 2019, we will report on progress made in implementing this joint declaration on peace, security and sustainable development.

The resolution of all these topical issues requires the firm commitment of each, the cooperation beyond the particular interests. This is the strong message of the Summit, and again, we want to express to all of you a big thank you for their participation and contribution.

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