Mr. Prime Minister,

The reform of the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) is of crucial importance, paramount, fundamental, critical and republican for the people of Cote dโ€™Ivoire and thus for the advent of Peace. Yes, such a successful reform will truly contribute to, as you yourself pointed out, on January 24th, during the meeting with the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) : “peacebuilding and social cohesion”.
But, Mr. Prime Minister, just at the opening of the dialogue with the Ivorian political parties and after the meeting with the Organizations of the civil society (OSC) on the reform of the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI), respectively on the 21st and the 24th January, 2019 in Abidjan ; political parties and civil society organizations complained of exclusion.
This reform must be inclusive and participatory at all stages and we must succeed. To do this, it must take into account all parties involved without distinction and / or discrimination. One must refrain from severing his wound even putrescent, purulent, painful at the risk of worsening its previous situation. At the social level, no one, even the most mischievous, the most refractory in decision-making, should be dismissed at the risk of making things worse ; the social body and the human body working in the same way.
The beauty and richness of a work, of any reform reside in contradiction, in the diversity of its authors, in the diversity of their opinions. Childbirth may be difficult, the contradiction may be stormy, but the work or reform that emerges from it always triumphs over harsh criticism, sometimes useless and in bad faith ; doing so, we made economy of perpetual renewal, worries and endless expenses. The work that follows this way, gives back the smile, it restores confidence. It preserves childish palaver and reassures. And when it manifests itself in broad daylight, any suspicion or supposition fades and all disappointment fades away.
Whatever the love that spouses want to give each other, their marriage is null and of no effect, if it doesnโ€™t obey the rules of want and form. Such a marriage is deemed never to have existed. We must therefore create a consensual framework that requires the consent of all and follow the paths that the law requires in such circumstances.
Prime Minister, at this sensitive time, let’s take our steps with caution. You must lead the reform of our institutions like “good father” in the best interests of the nation ; without offending, without indignation or frustration. You must make everyone feel comfortable and promote freedom of expression, which is so important to any democracy.
In addition, Prime Minister, the reform of the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI), and with it the Constitutional Council (We must think about that), which will have to be carried out in depth must not be rushed as the question is sensitive. It invites us, the reform, to be cautious, because it wants to be done without ado. At a time when everyone must make efforts, it seems normal to weigh our decisions before committing and materializing this reform.
The people of Cรดte d’Ivoire hope for a better day, because we must not reproduce the same errors emanating from the same gestures, the same attitudes and always following the same methods.
In addition, you have recalled the role that is ours at the aforementioned date. You mentioned “training citizens so that they master the electoral process”; be reassured, PLANETE PAIX is already playing this role through its actions and in particular its program “Peace Digital Elections”. We commit ourselves to continue in this direction and even to redouble our efforts.
But, we believe that in order to deal effectively with the issue, a triple action of formation, sensitization and support is necessary towards the political parties, the civil society, the candidates and the voters.
Now for the support, the government must facilitate our mission by any useful means, at any time and in any place without distinction or discrimination and without any pursuit in the exercise of our mission.

The best,

Done in Abidjan on this January 29, 2019

Achille COMOE

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Mot du directeur 1

Je voudrais fort bien exprimer ma reconnaissance ร  lโ€™annรฉe 2017 qui mโ€™a permis de passer en 2018. Ma reconnaissance va รฉgalement ร  lโ€™endroit de tous ceux qui nous ont fait confiance, leurs appuis techniques, financiers et en nature nous ont รฉtรฉ fort utiles et nous ont permis dโ€™apporter notre modeste contribution dans notre domaine dโ€™activitรฉ.

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